Client authentication

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Client tickets are an integral part of authenticating clients in the 2016 client.


Client tickets follow a specific structure for it to be parsed by RCCService.

Signature 1 format
Entry Type User ID Username Character Appearance URL Job ID Unix Timestamp
Entry Value 1 "Player" "" 1 1138516781
Signature 2 format
Entry Type User ID Job ID Unix Timestamp
Entry Value 1 1 1138516781

Entries in both tables are delimited by a newline character. For example, Signature 1 would look like this when encoded;


These signatures are then signed using the SHA-1 algorithm. The ClientTicket property requires that its signatures be encoded in another format which is delimited by semicolons.

Final signature format
Entry Type Unix Timestamp Signature 1, SHA-1 then Base64 encoded Signature 2, SHA-1 then Base64 encoded
Entry Value 1138516781 Signature 1 Signature 2

When encoded, it would most likely look something like

1138516781;Signature 1 SHA-1, encoded in Base64;Signature 2 SHA-1, encoded in Base64

After you create the client ticket, you can pass it along in the joinscript under the ClientTicket property.


You MUST use the SetIsPlayerAuthenticationRequired (under the NetworkServer service) method in your hostscript. You must set it to true, as it is disabled by default. If you have this disabled, it will skip the entire clientticket check.

pcall(function() game:GetService("NetworkServer"):SetIsPlayerAuthenticationRequired(true) end)