Join scripts

Revision as of 08:13, 1 July 2023 by Anonymous (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Joinscripts == Joinscripts are used to make a client connect to a gameserver. == Format == Joinscripts follow a specific structure in JSON for it to be parsed by the client. Make sure to keep the JSON valid and to not give it malformed data. To prevent JSON erroring, it is extremely recommended to use PHP's json_encode function to create the JSON to be used by the client. Here is an example of a joinscript:...")
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Joinscripts are used to make a client connect to a gameserver.


Joinscripts follow a specific structure in JSON for it to be parsed by the client. Make sure to keep the JSON valid and to not give it malformed data.

To prevent JSON erroring, it is extremely recommended to use PHP's [json_encode] function to create the JSON to be used by the client.

Here is an example of a joinscript:

{"ClientPort":0,"MachineAddress":"","ServerPort":25564,"PingUrl":"","PingInterval":20,"UserName":"John Doe","SeleniumTestMode":false,"UserId":123456,"SuperSafeChat":false,"CharacterAppearance":"","ClientTicket":"your client ticket","GameId":3,"PlaceId":420,"MeasurementUrl":"","WaitingForCharacterGuid":"26eb3e21-aa80-475b-a777-b43c3ea5f7d2","BaseUrl":"","ChatStyle":"Classic","VendorId":0,"ScreenShotInfo":"","VideoInfo":"","CreatorId":42069,"CreatorTypeEnum":"User","MembershipType":"None","AccountAge":3000000,"CookieStoreFirstTimePlayKey":"rbx_evt_ftp","CookieStoreFiveMinutePlayKey":"rbx_evt_fmp","CookieStoreEnabled":true,"IsRobloxPlace":true,"GenerateTeleportJoin":false,"IsUnknownOrUnder13":false,"SessionId":"39412c34-2f9b-436f-b19d-b8db90c2e186|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0|something random|8|2021-03-03T17:04:47+01:00|0|null|null","DataCenterId":0,"UniverseId":3,"BrowserTrackerId":0,"UsePortraitMode":false,"FollowUserId":0,"characterAppearanceId":1}

Quite messy and unreadable, right?

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